We can arrange MRI Scans: (MRI 1Part, MRI 2Part, MRI 3Part, MRI 4Part), 3T scanning with appropriate protocols to look for brain injury in our 3T open MRI scanner.
Our medico legal expert neurologist advises that MRI scans are a very sensitive means of picking up features of brain injury. There are many examples when the day of injury CT brain scan will not have picked up signs of injury, but a subsequent MRI brain scan may reveal features of a diffuse axonal injury. Structural abnormalities found on MR imaging may profoundly change the understanding of your client’s symptoms; as to whether they are organically mediated, or psychological. Objective findings of a brain injury on a test can change the whole approach of subsequent experts to your client’s challenges. It supports your client problems being related to brain damage and can influence views about their treatment, rehabilitation needs and care requirements.